Cloud services are a way to access and use shared computing resources over the internet, without having to invest in and maintain your own IT infrastructure.
Cloud services can include a wide range of services such as Software as a Service (SaaS), like email, office software, CRM, and HR platforms, Platform as a Service (PaaS), like web and mobile development platforms, and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), like virtual servers, storage, and databases.
These services provide businesses with scalability, flexibility and cost savings. They also allow businesses to easily access and use the latest technology, without the need for large upfront investments or ongoing maintenance costs. They can be accessed and used on a pay-as-you-go or subscription-based model, and can be scaled up or down as needed.
T Advisors can provide the below services:
Server, Network and Infrastructure Virtualization
Virtualization is a way to create virtual versions of physical IT resources, such as servers, storage devices, and networks, and manage them on a single physical infrastructure.
The virtual resources can be created, configured, and managed as if they were physical resources. This technology enables businesses to make more efficient use of their IT resources, improving scalability, flexibility, and reducing costs.
The virtual resources can be easily moved, copied, and scaled as needed, without the need to provision new physical resources. It also allows for easy backup and disaster recovery, and it enables to run multiple operating systems and applications on the same physical hardware.
Additionally, it makes it possible to run test and development environments without the need of physical resources, allowing for a more efficient use of resources.
Cloud Data Storage
A way for businesses to store, manage, and access their data over the internet. These services can include:
Software as a Service: Allows businesses to access and use software applications over the internet, without having to install them on their own devices.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Allows businesses to rent virtualized computing resources, such as virtual servers and storage, over the internet.
Platform as a Service (PaaS): Provides a platform for businesses to develop, run, and manage their own applications and services.
Backup as a Service (BaaS): Allows businesses to backup their data and applications to a remote location.
Object storage: A way of storing data as "objects" in a flat address space, rather than in a file hierarchy.
These options have their own benefits and drawbacks. The best choice for a business will depend on the amount of data, the frequency of access, and budget available. It's important to consider the security measures the provider offers, and the service level agreement they have in place.
Datacenter (physical collocation space):
Datacenter collocation services are a type of data storage service that allows businesses to rent space in a third-party datacenter to store their own servers and other IT equipment. This can include physical racks, cabinets, or private rooms for the equipment. These services provide businesses with access to a secure, reliable, and high-availability environment for their IT infrastructure.
Datacenter collocation services can be a good option for businesses of all sizes, but it's especially beneficial for businesses that don't have the resources, expertise, or budget to build and maintain their own datacenter.
The benefits of datacenter collocation services include:
Cost savings: Collocating equipment in a third-party datacenter can be more cost-effective than building and maintaining an in-house datacenter.
Scalability:Collocation providers can offer flexible options for businesses to scale up or down their IT infrastructure as their needs change.
Reliability: Datacenters are designed to provide a high level of uptime and availability, with redundant power and cooling systems, as well as 24/7 monitoring and support.
Security: Collocation providers typically have robust security measures in place, such as biometric access controls, surveillance, and fire suppression systems.
Compliance:Many datacenter collocation providers are compliant with various industry standards and regulations, such as HIPAA, SOC2, and PCI DSS, making it easier for businesses to meet their own compliance requirements.